Thursday, January 21, 2010

Women Working In Dubai What Is It Like For Women Working In Dubai?

What is it like for women working in Dubai? - women working in dubai

I think a position as an IT consultant in Dubai. I wonder how it treats women in the economy. Are women discriminated against in the workplace? It has enabled the women and drive?


cdk8591 said...

As elsewhere in the economy, women have to fight harder than men.

However, in all Islamic countries, I know, Dubai is more liberal and has a law against sex discrimination in their workplaces.

Their main problem is probably not of their kind, but face stiff competition for both men and women who work in Asia for a pittance.

Isis said...

It's fun.
I am a writer in Dubai, and it's great! Especially if you are into the computer. You will pay dearly in Dubai.

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