Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Things To Do For How Much Money Do You Bring To The Mall With You For Shopping?

How much money do you bring to the mall with you for shopping? - things to do for

I bring my debit card. (I just had these things are great!)
This would bring about $ 20 in cash for an emergency when they do not accept cards at some stores.
How much money do you get when you buy?
Did you bring your credit or debit card?
How often spend per trip?
Also, how old you are and what state are you?
Thank you:)


♥Sianna said...

I wear only my wallet and by far happens to be there. But I would have at least $ 20. I have no credit or debit card. I am 17 years old, from Oregon. :)

PurpleGi... said...

I'm not trying to make money at the mall, because then I could try to be buying anything
I usually make only enough money for what I get,
From what I buy ... What I am concerned about my horse for $ 20 to $ 400!
I am 18 years

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